"Songbook" featured in the Armenian Weekly

The New Cover for 'My First Armenian Songbook'
Very excited that the book is finally making it off the printing press.

CD design for the upcoming "My First Armenian Songbook" with Karenn Presti
Can't wait to hear it! Karenn has been working very hard indeed on the arrangements and recording with her sister.

Pirate Bear
Yet more bear action!

Matthew Dooley's winning entry in the Observer/Cape/Comica graphic short story prize 2016.
Really like this one. Nicely deadpan

PlayWell Logo
Logo for the mighty PlayWell, a company developing quality play, excited teachers and happy schools across the Virginia /DC area....

From first sketch to final image. Bear in the Classroom
I always enjoy taking a look back at other people's drafting processes. In my case, more often than not, I worry about losing something...
Emily Figg
Was sorting through a few old files and found this animated cover for a proposed interactive storybook. Fun to see it again. copyright...

Morning Chorus
New story idea..;